Camphor of Kamo was designated as a national cultural property in Mar 8, 1922, and then as a national special cultural property in Mar 29, 1952. Located in the land of Kamo Hachiman Shrine, the tree is considered to be 1,500 years old with 33.57 m of a root circumference, 24.22 m of an eye-level circumference. It has many bumps at the bottom of the trunk and there is a 4.5 m radius empty space inside the trunk. Has a gorgeous appearance with healthy branches in all directions. Seiroku Honda, a doctor of forestry, designated Camphor of Kamo as the champion in the East in the "Japan Old Tree Rank" edited by Forestry Class of Tokyo University of Agriculture. Furthermore, "Great Tree and Forest Survey" held by the Environment Agency in 1988 proofed again that this is the largest tree in Japan.